2013 All-New England Teams
The 79th Annual Championship – October 27-28, 2013
at The Captains Golf Course, Brewster, Massachusetts
Presenting Sponsor
(Top Six and Ties in Each Division)
NCAA Division I
** Monte Mullen, Central Conn. State Univ. (143)
* Joseph Leavitt, University of Rhode Island (143)
William Walthouse, University of Rhode Island
Anton Frondelius, Wagner College
Bryant Bolden, Central Conn. State Univ.
Nick Fairweather, University of Rhode Island
NCAA Division II
* Jon Stoddard, Bentley University (149)
Malcolm Oliver, Bentley University
Joe Fitzsimmons, St. Anselm University
Sean Shephard, Franklin Pierce University
Brad Auclair, Franklin Pierce University
Stewart Wise, Franklin Pierce University
NCAA Division III
* Bill Hutchins, Husson University (146)
Patrick Donahue, Western New England Univ.
Austin Teal, Endicott College
Michael Caron, St. Joseph’s College (ME)
Henry Fall, Elms College
Nicholas Shemkovitz, Western New England Univ.
** Overall Medalist (Won in a Playoff)
* Division Medalists
Special Events
Long Drive Contest won by Caleb Jones, University of Southern Maine (Port Course)
Long Drive Contest won by Jamie Ferullo, Providence College (Starboard Course)
Closest to the Pin Contest won by Cam Boraski, Mass. College of Liberal Arts (Port Course)
Closest to the Pin Contest won by Nick Adjutant, Franklin Pierce University (Starboard Course)
Special Recognition Awards
Guy Tedesco Award to Nicholas Erlichman, Endicott College
Gordon McCullough Award to Coach Steven Campbell, Salem State University
George A. Jacobson Special Recognition Award to Greg Yeomans, Head Professional at The Bay Club